Monday, November 29, 2010

New Idea*

*Post in Progress

IDEA: Create a wave of fire (possibly morph it into water?) that has a surfer and a fire breathing dolphin. And maybe Godzilla.

SPECS: Not any, really.

RESEARCH: So far, this has been the most promising tutorial, but I'd like to use this one too. I also want to add smoke. I'm not sure if I'm going to blend the water and the fire together but I guess it's a possibility. Off to sketch!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Crew T-shirt Part 2

PLANNING: Sketches will be up after Hell Week
COMPREHENSIVES: I make a pretty picture:

Isn't it pretty?

Crew T Shirt

IDEA: A t-shirt for crew.
SPECIFICATIONS: It needs to be awesome.
RESEARCH: cafepress will let me make a t-shirt. I do not research what crew would like because I decide what they will like. End of story.

Monday, November 8, 2010

New post because Boothby says so

Finally almost finished with the windows for the play. Hopefully they'll be all printed and framed and backlit by the end of the week.
For my next project, I will be designing a Crew t-shirt. I don't know if it'll be all black with dark gray designs so we can wear it during shows or just a regular t-shirt. I'll figure this out later.