Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hanson Brothers Part 2

So because I'm such a fast worker (i.e. I forget to update my blog and do it all at once) I now have some more info.

Planning: Too lazy to put the sketches up right now, plus Jones is working and he's the one who can work the scanner

Comprehensives: I haven't looked up any Obama-ize tutorials yet but just working on it in illustrator I have a couple proofs.
The high-fidelity one would be kinda hard to put on a shirt because there are so many colors. I just wish in the # color trace (my favorite) that the middle guy (David?) was a little more defined. The guy on the right (Jeff?) looks really good and so does the guy on the left (Steve?) but he doesn't :( And yes, they looks like zombies, but that's not a far cry from what they actually are, so I mean, it works. Next I'll work on the obama tutorial and see if that works out any better.

Hanson Brothers

So I should be working on my fiery wave project, but I was just watching Slap Shot the other day and that made me want a Slap Shot-themed T-shirt. There are plenty out there but I realized I'd be able to design one myself and, hey, what a cool graphics project! And since the Hansons are my favorite characters, I'm going to make a shirt about them.

Idea: Create a Hanson Brothers T-shirt

Specs: I was thinking maybe a cool Obama-effect kinda design. Probably with blue and gold because those are the Chiefs colors.

Research: The movie Slap Shot. It's funny.