Monday, March 7, 2011

New Idea (Again)- NASA Logo Redesign

IDEA: Give NASA a fresh, new logo because
A) Their's really isn't that good
B) They are moving out of the "Shuttle Era" of their history and are focusing redesigning their spacecrafts, so why not give the logo a lift?

Sketches: Jones disappeared. I don't know how to work the scanner/ don't want to touch his computer, for fear of self-destruction.

Research: After randomly clicking on the news one day I saw that NASA's launch of the Taurus rocket failed. Like big time. I don't think they even know where it is. Not the point. So I started thinking how NASA's logo really isn't that great. First, however, I decided to design a logo for Taurus so hopefully it can feel better about itself and not fail anymore because I'd really like to see Mars.

Here's a rough draft of the Taurus symbol:

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