Monday, September 20, 2010

Back to School/ New Projects

And so it begins.
You'd think after 11 years you'd get used to it. You'd be wrong.

But school's not totally terrible right? I mean, with the start of school comes many things, many wonderful things, including but not limited to hockey preseason, colder weather, and crew!

Which brings me to the real purpose of this blog: it's for Graphic Design class. No sob stories here. Hopefully. And on this wonderful blog, I am supposed to ask for help/ideas/etc about projects I will be working on during class.

Can I get a HOORAH!?

Well, ok. Here are my ideas:

  • As mentioned above, I'm in crew. As in, Theatre Crew. You know, set design, set building, props... I'm actually in charge this year! And my first order of business is to create a large (unspecified dimensions) picture window showing 1920s New York and Paris views, from a hotel room. In color, so it looks like you're actually looking out of the window. Yeah.
  • I'd also like to make a small but awesome looking calendar. Which is boring. I know. But it won't be boring if it's awesome, right? Ideas welcome.
  • I'd also like to design tattoos for my Halloween costume (Abby from NCIS) but that leaves me with the annoying problem of finding tattoo paper that you can print on. Um. Yeah.
  • Because I am now an annoying fangirl, I would absolutely love to make an awesome 2010-2011 season poster for the NJ Devils. And no, I am not on the Kovalchuk bandwagon. So there.
  • Edward Cullen/Justin Bieber dartboard. Just because.
Hopefully, I will be able to do all of this while not getting distracted by my friend Turtle (we all have animal names, aren't we like, sooooooo cool?)


P.S. This is a bad representation of my awesome fangirl poster ideas, but kind've along the lines of it, so why not? Hopefully mine will be even better.

I in no way am responsible for this picture. 

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