Monday, October 4, 2010

Window Update

I've began work on the Paris window for the set. I found a good picture on the internet and live traced it in Illustrator, so it can be resized to a very large picture with minimal blurring. However, the size is still unknown. Mr. Kenner emailed Joe with this question but I have not seen either so I still have no answer. Sigh. This really annoys me.

You know what else annoys me? Slow people blocking the hallways. This school needs a fast lane like yesterday. I may just tape one out with set tape sometime.

You know what ELSE annoys me? Naviance. I took the career matcher quiz thing, and all the questions were : Would you like to bag groceries? Would you like to file papers? Would you like to sing? Would you like to dance? Would you like to garden? Would you like to sing on Broadway? etc. etc. etc. over and over again. Out of ~168 questions, I had 3 likes and 5 unsures. Nothing on graphic design. Nothing on engineering. A little on set design. Very sad.

Sorry. Done ranting. Will work on Latin project until I get dimensions for window.

1 comment:

  1. You should speak-up about the naviance thing. Especially when the results come back.
