Thursday, June 16, 2011

Final Exam

For my final exam I took two photographs (the art) and created a design that displayed a message about the Earth. I took these pictures: 

Copyright All rights reserved by

Copyright All rights reserved by azamali

With these two pictures I created my own "art" by placing the Earth into the clock face, as a sort of "final countdown."

To make this an understandable design and not just art, I added the phrase "Clock's Ticking" to emphasize that the person viewing the design was running out of time. I also added a "watermark" of repeated tick tocks to reinforce this. The design is a focused piece on the plight of the Earth and it motivates the viewer to start making a difference before time runs out.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Ninjas are Better

I also was making ninjas for the past couple days (I found the tutorial first!). I decided that I would make them as characters to put on signs for around backstage. I made several characters:

The only thing I did not create was the drill (although I thin I would have figured it out if I had more time).

Monday, May 9, 2011

Boat Detailing Pt. 2


The second one is supposed t be "Jaws" in the teeth. I think I'll stick with regular teeth.




Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Boat Detailing

IDEA: Make the cardboard boat I'm designing for Engineering fearsome and cool looking with vinyl stickers

SPECS: Approximate boat size: 8 feet long by 2ft tall by 2 ft wide

RESEARCH: eHow had a nice crash course on vinyl. I'll be making the shark in sections. I also have pontoons to worry about.

Talking to Jones has also clued me in to the fact that vinyl's expensive and I probably can't use this much. Therefore, I will be making only a vinyl outline of the shark and the mouth and teeth.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Neon Nighthawks

IDEA: Using a tutorial to create neon signs, make a neon sign for the diner in the classic painting "Nighthawks" by Edward Hopper

SPECS: haven't decided color/size/etc.


Monday, April 25, 2011

New Project: Piece of the Arctic: JUST KIDDING

So I can't make this project because it's on a later version of photoshop that involves 3D tools. Which we don't have. So now I'm going to find a new project.

IDEA: Make a pretty picture. Basically.

SPECS: First I'll recreate the tutorial, then maybe instead of and Arctic environment I'll do a coral reef or something.

RESEARCH: This is the tutorial

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I'm looking through all of my documents to see  if I forgot anything. Here is what I found (apologize if there are repeats):
This was a shirt I designed but it was a one or two day thing that never really reached production stage.
I was working on my Hansons T-shirt and I tried out a tutorial that was supposed to make the "Obama Campaign Poster" effect. I stopped though because I actually liked it the other way I was doing it. Also, I liked the black and white contrast:

And this is a tutorial I did for that "fire surfer" project thing:
Maybe why I take so long to do projects is because I do too many tutorials? (Wow that is not proper grammar).

I also spent one or two classes trying to design the ceiling of an astronomy building for a play, but that did not pan all.

I think that's it

Taurus (Assembly)

Working on my Mission Patch:

I don't know if I'm going to use the same "font" for TAURUS are a different one. I'm also not sure about the black background either.

I think I like the top right one best, but I'm not sure. Also I think I should maybe change the color of the bull to a lighter color blue.

Monday, April 11, 2011

NASA project (planning/comps)

Here's what I've done so far with the logo:

And now some different colors:

I'm working on fonts too, but nothing final yet:

Monday, March 7, 2011

New Idea (Again)- NASA Logo Redesign

IDEA: Give NASA a fresh, new logo because
A) Their's really isn't that good
B) They are moving out of the "Shuttle Era" of their history and are focusing redesigning their spacecrafts, so why not give the logo a lift?

Sketches: Jones disappeared. I don't know how to work the scanner/ don't want to touch his computer, for fear of self-destruction.

Research: After randomly clicking on the news one day I saw that NASA's launch of the Taurus rocket failed. Like big time. I don't think they even know where it is. Not the point. So I started thinking how NASA's logo really isn't that great. First, however, I decided to design a logo for Taurus so hopefully it can feel better about itself and not fail anymore because I'd really like to see Mars.

Here's a rough draft of the Taurus symbol:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hanson Brothers Part 2

So because I'm such a fast worker (i.e. I forget to update my blog and do it all at once) I now have some more info.

Planning: Too lazy to put the sketches up right now, plus Jones is working and he's the one who can work the scanner

Comprehensives: I haven't looked up any Obama-ize tutorials yet but just working on it in illustrator I have a couple proofs.
The high-fidelity one would be kinda hard to put on a shirt because there are so many colors. I just wish in the # color trace (my favorite) that the middle guy (David?) was a little more defined. The guy on the right (Jeff?) looks really good and so does the guy on the left (Steve?) but he doesn't :( And yes, they looks like zombies, but that's not a far cry from what they actually are, so I mean, it works. Next I'll work on the obama tutorial and see if that works out any better.

Hanson Brothers

So I should be working on my fiery wave project, but I was just watching Slap Shot the other day and that made me want a Slap Shot-themed T-shirt. There are plenty out there but I realized I'd be able to design one myself and, hey, what a cool graphics project! And since the Hansons are my favorite characters, I'm going to make a shirt about them.

Idea: Create a Hanson Brothers T-shirt

Specs: I was thinking maybe a cool Obama-effect kinda design. Probably with blue and gold because those are the Chiefs colors.

Research: The movie Slap Shot. It's funny.